Monday, March 12, 2012

Trial and Error

Little things from the daily life can teach us a lot about ourselves.

First the not working bicycle tyre inflator. It was working actually, but you have to know that you have to pull out something from its magic hat (Picture 1) and then attach this "string" to where the air is coming out (Picture 2). Well, I remember having that thing in my hand one time and I thought I broke something and pushed it in again. Fortunately I didn't throw it away... But again that just shows me that I need to try the things and I am not good at intuitively seeing what is meant for what. Normally it's okay that way, because as I hate failure I just try and try and try :). But if I can't see the last step, it's no good. But the salesman in the bicycle store was nice enough to not smirk (or reveal his thoughts...) and just showed me.

Well, the other thing was the dynamo. There was breaking off (actually more like springing) the plastic part that is connected to the tyre. At first I didn't realise, but after 20 meters I was wondering why there was no light (in my defense: I also use battery-driven lights!) and saw that there was something missing. I remembered that plopping noise and drove back. Fortunately I found it and put it on again (irkh, black hands...). Moving the bike 3 centimeters and it fell off again. Great! 3 weeks old bike and it's falling apart. Well, I drove home that way without the dynamo lights and tried it at home... Well, again seeing is learning! The problem was that I drove the bike backwards and therefore that part sprung away.

Well, so actually all is fine, but again I see my deficite that I am more a trial-error-learner than just by thinking and intuitively knowing. I find that kind of reflexions important for oneself, because understanding oneself is the first step in understanding the others. Also it helps when working together with others and you get frustrated, because you can't follow the theoratical explanations of your counterpart. Just ask nicely to see the excel file, an example calculation or a presentation with an overview. 99% of the people will understand.
And knowing you best technique to learn can also help in your studies. If you need to understand and learn a complex mathematical model, just use excel and calculate some example, experiment, play. I found that for me the best way to get into these things.

And although I will still have my difficulties with technology every experience adds to my database of possible mistakes that I can avoid next time. That makes me feel like a rat in an experimental labyrinth though...

~ The difference between failure and success is doing a thing nearly right and doing it exactly right ~
(by Edward Simmons)

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