Saturday, March 17, 2012


Some days ago I was thinking about stuff I had learnt in school and later during my Bachelor studies.

Sometimes I felt very sorry about all that I had forgotten especially in math. Sure basic stuff is still present as I need it sometimes, but if one would ask me of the integral of 2^x I would have to pass (without asking Uncle Google ;) ). So I tried to remember, buying books and trying to learn again. This happened without a special reason or application. Therefore it was very fruitless, because ones brain isn't equipped to store information like a folder that you just can open 5 years later and all is there.

I realised that I tried to convulsively hold on to that knowledge just because one day in my life I knew. And I found that this doesn't make sense, because why try to remember something that isn't of practical use?! Wouldn't it be better to move on to new fields of interest or be confronted with learning that again if it comes up?

So I am reading some books on other topics that I was eager to learn for some time now and it feels great. I am broadening my depository of knowledge. I know I am able to learn again the "old" stuff if it comes up one day, because one doesn't forget the general principles, but just the details. And maybe the general principles of the new topics one day help solving yet unknown problems.

So I moved from living in the past, to living in the present!

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