Sunday, March 11, 2012

Book list: Jeremy Rifkin - The Third Industrial Revolution

As I like reading a lot, I'm trying to implement a book list. I will just mention author and title, but I will make a related post in which I will explain the main idea of the book and why I think one should read it.
But that will develop over time when I come across my favourite books. Unfortunately at the moment they have an unworthy existence in my bedding box...

I will start with The Third Industrial Revolution by Jeremy Rifkin.
I think it is quite obvious to a lot of people that the world as it is now can't exist much longer. The petroleum will be gone one day or the global warming will kill us first. I found that prospect depressing for a long time, because I hadn't heard of a vision for the future that seemed a workable solution. In the above mentioned book however, there is an idea that I think can be realised, that's The Third Industrial Revolution (TIR). The future society is mainly based on 5 pillars (quoted from chapter 2 A new Narrative):

(1) Changing from fossil energy to renewable energy (sun, water, wind, geothermic heat)
(2) Alter the buildings into micro-power plants that can collect these renewable energies
(3) Put in place energy storage devices (e.g. hydrogen fuel cells)
(4) Connecting all buildings and storage devices via Internet in order to distribute the energy
(5) Using electric plug-in and fuel cell vehicles for transportation

That's the main idea of the book. The rest is more about the realisation of the idea. I've found it very interesting to know which people were and are meeting and what efforts have been made yet. Very worth reading as this is in my opinion a good approach in solving our energy and environmental problems.
It would not only give us the chance to stop polluting the environment, but it would also strenghten our society, because decentralized systems are stronger in resisting a catastrophy. Moreover it would be a step forward into transforming to the human nature that we want to be: sharing with others and realising that there is more than enough for everyone.

I strongly hope  we can still make it in order to preserve our beautiful nature.

 Jürgen Nießen, "Herbstlich"; Some rights reservedQuelle: 

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